teamviewer portable saving the settings... ini 파일 수정...펌
Saving the settings in TeamViewer Portable impossible
This topic has already been mentioned several times in other threads here in the forum. I use also for many years now regularly TeamViewer Portable and am of the opinion that this is a real lack. Therefore I have been searching for some time for a solution, which I have now found.
This solution has two minor limitations:
- After closing of TeamViewer an advertising window will appear. Personally, I consider this to be rather insignificant. Also I want to inform myself further, how I possibly can prevent the emergence of this advertising window.
- This version requires administrative privileges, because the app writes the registry key HKLM\software\TeamViewer during its running.
For my modified version I have made the following alterations:
- Adapting of the file TeamViewer.ini in the folder DefaultData\settings
The file TeamViewer.ini has the following content:
[Settings] nosave=0 importsettings=0 LogIncomingConnections=0 LogOutgoingConnections=0 [License] code=00-00000-000000-000000
Especially with the entry "nosave=0" it is possible, that changes to the settings can be saved in TeamViewer.
- Creation of the folder Launcher within the folder AppInfo
I have created the folder Launcher within the folder AppInfo. Then I have pasted the file TeamViewerPortable.ini in the folder Launcher. The file TeamViewerPortable.ini has the following content:
[Launch] ProgramExecutable=teamviewer\TeamViewer.exe [FilesMove] settings\TeamViewer.ini=%PAL:AppDir%\teamviewer [DirectoriesMove] settings\TeamViewer=%APPDATA%\TeamViewer [Activate] Registry=true [RegistryKeys] TeamViewer_HKCU=HKCU\Software\TeamViewer TeamViewer_HKLM=HKLM\Software\TeamViewer
- Elimination of the file TeamViewer.ini from the folder teamviewer
Before the creation of the launcher and installer I have eliminated the file TeamViewer.ini from the folder teamviewer.
Finally I would like to offer my modified version of TeamViewer for download: [Download removed by mod JTH]