윈도우 미디어 객체의 파라메터 전체 목록 HTML

2006/07/23 04:50


윈도우 미디어플레이어 속성정리
param값 자료형 설명
AllowChangeDisplaySize Boolean user can change the display size
Boolean scanning is enabled
AnimationAtStart Boolean animation runs before the first image displays
AudioStream Long the stream number of the current audio stream
AutoRewind Boolean the clip rewinds automatically
AutoSize Boolean Windows Media Player changes size to conform to the size of the content
AutoStart Boolean start playing the clip automatically
Balance Long from –10,000 to 10,000 indicating the stereo balance
Bandwidth Long bandwidth of the current clip in bits per second
String the base URL
Long the number of times buffering occurred during playback.
Long the percentage of buffering completed
BufferingTime Double from 1 to 30, specifying the buffering time in seconds asf(5) vod(3)
ULONG number of available buttons.
CanPreview Boolean the current playlist can be previewed. If true, the playlist can be previewed.
CanScan Boolean the current file supports scanning. If true, the file supports scanning
CanSeek Boolean the file can seek to a specific time. If true, the file can seek to a specific time
CanSeekToMarkers Boolean markers in the file can be located with a seek operation.
CaptioningID String name of the frame or control that displays captioning.
ChannelDescription String representing the station description
ChannelName String representing the station name
ChannelURL String representing the URL of the station metafile
ClickToPlay Boolean the user can toggle playback by clicking the video image.
ClientID String representing a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID).
CodecCount Long the number of installable codecs used by the current clip.
ConnnectionSpeed Long  
ContactAddress String representing the station's contact address
ContactEmail String representing the station's e-mail address
ContactPhone String representing the station's contact telephone
CreationDate Date the date and time when the clip was created.
CurrentMarker Long indicating the current marker number
CurrentPosition Double representing the clip's current position, in seconds.
CursorType Long any of the stock cursor values from the Microsoft Platform SDK
DefaultFrame String representing the default target HTTP frame
DisplayBackColor Long the display panel's background color
DisplayForeColor Long the display panel's foreground color
DisplayMode Integer how the status bar displays the current position
    0:Display the current position in seconds.
    1:Display the current position in frames
DisplaySize Long the size of the image display window(도움말참고)
Duration Double indicating the clip's playing time in seconds
Enabled Boolean the Windows Media Player control is enabled
EnableFullScreenControls Boolean indicating whether the Windows Media Player displays controls in full-screen mode
EnablePositionControls Boolean the position controls are enabled on the control bar
EnableTracker Boolean the trackbar is enabled
EntryCount Integer the number of ENTRY elements in the current ASX file.
ErrorCode Long the current error code
ErrorCorrection String the error correction type of the current clip
ErrorDescription String the description of the current error state
FileName String the name of the clip
HasError Boolean the control currently has an error. If true, the control has an error
HasMultipleItems Boolean the ASX file contains multiple ENTRY tags
ImageSourceHeight Long the original image height, in pixels
ImageSourceWidth Long the original image width, in pixels
InvokeURLs Boolean URL flipping is enabled
IsBroadcast Boolean the source is broadcast. If true, the source is broadcast
IsDurationValid Boolean the Duration property is valid. If true, Duration is valid
Language Long corresponds to an LCID identifying a locale for national language support.
LostPackets Long number of packets lost during transmission of the stream
MarkerCount Long number of markers in the current clip
Mute Boolean volume is muted
OpenState Long state of the content source
PlayCount Long the number of times a clip plays
PlayState Long indicating the play state
PreviewMode Boolean Windows Media Player is in preview mode
Rate Double the clip's playback rate
ReadyState Long the state of readiness of the Windows Media Player control
ReceivedPackets Long the number of packets received
ReceptionQuality Long percentage of packets received in the last 30 seconds
RecoveredPackets Long number of packets recovered
SAMIFileName String the name of the file that contains the information needed for closed captioning
SAMILang String language displayed for closed captioning
SAMIStyle String the closed captioning style
SelectionEnd Double end position in seconds, relative to the start of the presentation
SelectionStart Double start position in seconds, relative to the beginning of the presentation
SendErrorEvents Boolean error events are enabled
SendKeyboardEvents Boolean keyboard events are enabled
SendMouseClickEvents Boolean mouse click events are enabled
SendMouseMoveEvents Boolean mouse move events are enabled
SendOpenStateChangeEvents Boolean open state change events are enabled
SendPlayStateChangeEvents Boolean play state change events are enabled
SendWarningEvents Boolean warning events are enabled.
ShowAudioControls Boolean audio controls appear on the control bar
ShowCaptioning Boolean closed caption area is visible and closed captioning is enabled
ShowControls Boolean the control bar is visible
ShowDisplay Boolean display panel is visible
ShowGotoBar Boolean Go To bar is visible
ShowPositionControls Boolean the position controls appear on the control bar
ShowStatusBar Boolean status bar is visible
ShowTracker Boolean trackbar is visible
SourceLink String path to the current clip
SourceProtocol Long protocol used to receive data
StreamCount Long number of media streams in the current clip
TransparentAtStart Boolean Windows Media Player control is transparent before play begins and after play ends
VideoBorder3D Boolean 3-D video border effect is enabled
VideoBorderColor OLE_COLOR the color of the video border
VideoBorderWidth Long width of the video border, in pixels
Volume Long volume, in hundredths of decibels
ULONG number of volumes in the volume set



태그 -


태그는 ActiveX 컨트롤을 사용해서 ActiveX, 플래시, 동영상 등등 재생을 할때 사용합니다.


각자 사용에 따라 값(param)과 설정이 다르기 때문 속성을 이해하고 있어야 사용할수 있습니다.


주요 속성만 간단히 알고 보구요. 개념 정도만 생각 하고 계시면 됩니다.




classid : 클래스ID 는 regedit.exe 실행해서 보면 실행 하고자 하는 classid 를 알 수 있습니다. Windows Registry 또는 codebase URL 을 사용해서 지정합니다.

미디어 플레이어 9 에서 실행시: classid="clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6"

미디어 플레이어 6에서 실행시: classid='clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95'


codebase : classid의 URL 지정해서 찾을 경로

플래시 불러올때 : http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.c-ab#version=7,0,0,0"


codetype : MIME type 으로 지정( text, image, audio, video, application, multipart, message)


name : object 이름

type : MIME type 으로 지정( text, image, audio, video, application, multipart, message)


data : 불러화일링크



Object 태그와 대체 텍스트


<object> 태그는 포함하고 있는 컨텐츠를 대체 컨텐츠로 인식한다.

<object data="" type=""> <p></p> </object>

위의 경우 type에 지정된 적절한 플러그인을 찾을 수 없을 경우, 포함하고 있는 <p></p>의 내용을 대체로 이용하게 된다.

<object>안에 <object>를 사용할 수도 있다.


<!-- 플래시 플러그인 -->
<object data="hello.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
<!-- PNG 이미지 -->
<object data="hello.png" type="images/png">
<!-- GIF 이미지 -->
<object data="hello.gif" type="images/gif">
<!-- 일반 text -->

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