

    trying to un-ininstall print driver error message: Failed to remove driver HP LaserJet 1020. The specified printer driver is currently in use. __Failed to remove package hplj1020.inf. Access is denied.

    BoatingDave asked on
    i have a new win 7 machine and having lots of trouble installing a HP laserjet printer.

    when trying to delete the drivers under print server properties I get the follwong message:

    "Failed to remove driver HP LaserJet 1020. The specified printer driver is currently in use.
    Failed to remove package hplj1020.inf. Access is denied."

    anyone know what is wrong?  the prnter isn't even connected!  Should not be in use.  The probelm I was having was that stuff sent to the printer would seem to sit and take 15  ins to print out a test page.

    How can I delete the drivers? 
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    Alan Morris PaperCut Software replied on
    Stop the print spooler service , then start the print spooler service.  Now delete the print driver and package.

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