2.24.1 MSH - message header segment
The MSH segment defines the intent, source, destination, and some specifics of the syntax of a message.
Figure 2-8. MSH attributes
1 | 1 | ST | R | 00001 | Field Separator | ||
2 | 4 | ST | R | 00002 | Encoding Characters | ||
3 | 180 | HD | O | 00003 | Sending Application | ||
4 | 180 | HD | O | 00004 | Sending Facility | ||
5 | 180 | HD | O | 00005 | Receiving Application | ||
6 | 180 | HD | O | 00006 | Receiving Facility | ||
7 | 26 | TS | O | 00007 | Date/Time Of Message | ||
8 | 40 | ST | O | 00008 | Security | ||
9 | 7 | CM | R | 00009 | Message Type | ||
10 | 20 | ST | R | 00010 | Message Control ID | ||
11 | 3 | PT | R | 00011 | Processing ID | ||
12 | 8 | ID | R | 0104 | 00012 | Version ID | |
13 | 15 | NM | O | 00013 | Sequence Number | ||
14 | 180 | ST | O | 00014 | Continuation Pointer | ||
15 | 2 | ID | O | 0155 | 00015 | Accept Acknowledgment Type | |
16 | 2 | ID | O | 0155 | 00016 | Application Acknowledgment Type | |
17 | 2 | ID | O | 00017 | Country Code | ||
18 | 6 | ID | O | Y/3 | 0211 | 00692 | Character Set |
19 | 60 | CE | O | 00693 | Principal Language Of Message | MSH field definitions Field separator (ST) 00001
Definition: This field contains the separator between the segment ID and the first real field, MSH-2-encoding characters. As such it serves as the separator and defines the character to be used as a separator for the rest of the message. Recommended value is |, (ASCII 124). Encoding characters (ST) 00002
Definition: This field contains the four characters in the following order: the component separator, repetition separator, escape character, and subcomponent separator. Recommended values are ^~\&, (ASCII 94, 126, 92, and 38, respectively). See Section 2.7, "Message Delimiters." Sending application (HD) 00003
Components: <namespace ID (IS)> ^ <universal ID (ST)> ^ <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field uniquely identifies the sending application among all other applications within the network enterprise. The network enterprise consists of all those applications that participate in the exchange of HL7 messages within the enterprise. Entirely site-defined. Sending facility (HD) 00004
Components: <namespace ID (IS)> ^ <universal ID (ST)> ^ <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field contains the address of one of several occurrences of the same application within the sending system. Absent other considerations, the Medicare Provider ID might be used with an appropriate sub-identifier in the second component. Entirely user-defined. Receiving application (HD) 00005
Components: <namespace ID (IS)> ^ <universal ID (ST)> ^ <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field uniquely identifies the receiving application among all other applications within the network enterprise. The network enterprise consists of all those applications that participate in the exchange of HL7 messages within the enterprise. Entirely site-defined. Receiving facility (HD) 00006
Components: <namespace ID (IS)> ^ <universal ID (ST)> ^ <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field identifies the receiving application among multiple identical instances of the application running on behalf of different organizations. See comments: MSH-4-sending facility. Entirely site-defined. Date/time of message (TS) 00007
Definition: This field contains the date/time that the sending system created the message. If the time zone is specified, it will be used throughout the message as the default time zone. Security (ST) 00008
Definition: In some applications of HL7, this field is used to implement security features. Its use is not yet further specified. Message type (CM) 00009
Components: <message type (ID)> ^ <trigger event (ID)>
Definition: This field contains the message type and trigger event for the message. The first component is the message type edited by HL7 table 0076 - Message type; second is the trigger event code edited by HL7 table 0003 - Event type.
The receiving system uses this field to know the data segments to recognize, and possibly, the application to which to route this message. For certain queries, which may have more than a single response event type, the second component may, in the response message, vary to indicate the response event type. See the discussion of the display query variants in Section, "Original mode display query variants." The second component is not required on response or acknowledgment messages.
Value | Description | Chapter |
ACK | General acknowledgment message | 2 |
ADR | ADT response | 3 |
ADT | ADT message | 3 |
ARD | Ancillary RPT (display) | 7 |
BAR | Add/change billing account | 6 |
CSU | Unsolicited clinical study data | 7 |
DFT | Detail financial transaction | 6 |
DSR | Display response | 2 |
EDR | Enhanced display response | 2 |
ERP | Event replay response | 2 |
ERQ | Event replay query | 2 |
EQQ | Embedded query language query | 2 |
MCF | Delayed acknowledgment | 2 |
MDM | Documentation message | 9 |
MFN | Master files notification | 8 |
MFK | Master files application acknowledgement | 8 |
MFD | Master files delayed application acknowledgement | 8 |
MFQ | Master files query | 8 |
MFR | Master files query response | 8 |
ORF | Observ. result/record response | 7 |
ORM | Order message | 4 |
ORR | Order acknowledgement message | 4 |
ORU | Observ result/unsolicited | 7 |
OSQ | Order status query | 4 |
OSR | Order status response | 4 |
QRY | Query, original Mode | 2 |
PEX | Product experience | 7 |
PGL | Patient goal | 12 |
PGR | Patient goal response | 12 |
PGQ | Patient goal query | 12 |
PIN | Patient Insurance Information | 12 |
PPG | Patient pathway (goal-oriented) | 12 |
PPP | Patient pathway (problem-oriented) | 12 |
PPR | Patient problem | 12 |
PPT | Patient pathway (goal oriented) | 12 |
PPV | Patient goal response | 12 |
PRQ | Patient care problem query | 12 |
PRR | Patient problem response | 12 |
PTQ | Patient pathway (problem-oriented) query | 12 |
PTR | Patient pathway (problem-oriented) response | 12 |
PTU | Patient pathway (goal-oriented) query | 12 |
PTV | Patient pathway (goal-oriented) response | 12 |
PIN | Patient information | 11 |
RAR | Pharmacy administration information | 4 |
RAS | Pharmacy administration message | 4 |
RCI | Return clinical information | 11 |
RCL | Return clinical list | 11 |
RDE | Pharmacy encoded order message | 4 |
RDR | Pharmacy dispense information | 4 |
RDS | Pharmacy dispense message | 4 |
RGV | Pharmacy give message | 4 |
RGR | Pharmacy dose information | 4 |
REF | Patient referral | 11 |
RER | Pharmacy encoded order information | 4 |
ROD | Request patient demographics | 11 |
ROR | Pharmacy prescription order response | 4 |
RPA | Return patient authorization | 11 |
RPI | Return patient information | 11 |
RPL | Return patient display list | 11 |
RPR | Return patient list | 11 |
RQA | Request patient authorization | 11 |
RQC | Request clinical information | 11 |
RQI | Request patient information | 11 |
RQP | Request patient demographics | 11 |
RRA | Pharmacy administration acknowledgment | 4 |
RRD | Pharmacy dispense acknowledgment | 4 |
RRE | Pharmacy encoded order acknowledgment | 4 |
RRG | Pharmacy give acknowledgment | 4 |
RRI | Return patient referral | 11 |
SIU | Schedule information unsolicited | 10 |
SPQ | Stored procedure request | 2 |
SQM | Schedule query | 10 |
SQR | Schedule query response | 10 |
CRM | Clinical study registration | 7 |
SRM | Schedule request | 10 |
SRR | Scheduled request response | 10 |
SUR | Summary product experience report | 7 |
TBR | Tabular data response | 2 |
UDM | Unsolicited display message | 2 |
VQQ | Virtual table query | 2 |
VXQ | Query for vaccination record | 4 |
VXX | Vaccination query response with multiple PID matches | 4 |
VXR | Vaccination query record response | 4 |
VXU | Unsolicited vaccination record update | 4 |
Value | Description |
A01 | ADT/ACK - Admit / visit notification |
A02 | ADT/ACK - Transfer a patient |
A03 | ADT/ACK - Discharge/end visit |
A04 | ADT/ACK - Register a patient |
A05 | ADT/ACK - Pre-admit a patient |
A06 | ADT/ACK - Change an outpatient to an inpatient |
A07 | ADT/ACK - Change an inpatient to an outpatient |
A08 | ADT/ACK - Update patient information |
A09 | ADT/ACK - Patient departing - tracking |
A10 | ADT/ACK - Patient arriving - tracking |
A11 | ADT/ACK - Cancel admit/visit notification |
A12 | ADT/ACK - Cancel transfer |
A13 | ADT/ACK - Cancel discharge/end visit |
A14 | ADT/ACK - Pending admit |
A15 | ADT/ACK - Pending transfer |
A16 | ADT/ACK - Pending discharge |
A17 | ADT/ACK - Swap patients |
A18 | ADT/ACK - Merge patient information |
A19 | QRY/ADR - Patient query |
A20 | ADT/ACK - Bed status update |
A21 | ADT/ACK - Patient goes on a "leave of absence" |
A22 | ADT/ACK - Patient returns from a "leave of absence" |
A23 | ADT/ACK - Delete a patient record |
A24 | ADT/ACK - Link patient information |
A25 | ADT/ACK - Cancel pending discharge |
A26 | ADT/ACK - Cancel pending transfer |
A27 | ADT/ACK - Cancel pending admit |
A28 | ADT/ACK - Add person information |
A29 | ADT/ACK - Delete person information |
A30 | ADT/ACK - Merge person information |
A31 | ADT/ACK - Update person information |
A32 | ADT/ACK - Cancel patient arriving - tracking |
A33 | ADT/ACK - Cancel patient departing - tracking |
A34 | ADT/ACK - Merge patient information - patient ID only |
A35 | ADT/ACK - Merge patient information - account number only |
A36 | ADT/ACK - Merge patient information - patient ID and account number |
A37 | ADT/ACK - Unlink patient information |
A38 | ADT/ACK - Cancel pre-admit |
A39 | ADT/ACK - Merge person - external ID |
A40 | ADT/ACK - Merge patient - internal ID |
A41 | ADT/ACK - Merge account - patient account number |
A42 | ADT/ACK - Merge visit - visit number |
A43 | ADT/ACK - Move patient information - internal ID |
A44 | ADT/ACK - Move account information - patient account number |
A45 | ADT/ACK - Move visit information - visit number |
A46 | ADT/ACK - Change external ID |
A47 | ADT/ACK - Change internal ID |
A48 | ADT/ACK - Change alternate patient ID |
A49 | ADT/ACK - Change patient account number |
A50 | ADT/ACK - Change visit number |
A51 | ADT/ACK - Change alternate visit ID |
C01 | CRM - Register a patient on a clinical trial |
C02 | CRM - Cancel a patient registration on clinical trial (for clerical mistakes only) |
C03 | CRM - Correct/update registration information |
C04 | CRM - Patient has gone off a clinical trial |
C05 | CRM - Patient enters phase of clinical trial |
C06 | CRM - Cancel patient entering a phase (clerical mistake) |
C07 | CRM - Correct/update phase information |
C08 | CRM - Patient has gone off phase of clinical trial |
C09 | CSU - Automated time intervals for reporting, like monthly |
C10 | CSU - Patient completes the clinical trial |
C11 | CSU - Patient completes a phase of the clinical trial |
C12 | CSU - Update/correction of patient order/result information |
CNQ | QRY/EQQ/SPQ/VQQ/RQQ - Cancel query |
G01 | PGL/ACK - Patient goal |
I01 | RQI/RPI - Request for insurance information |
I02 | RQI/RPL - Request/receipt of patient selection display list |
I03 | RQI/RPR - Request/receipt of patient selection list |
I04 | RQD/RPI - Request for patient demographic data |
I05 | RQC/RCI - Request for patient clinical information |
I06 | RQC/RCL - Request/receipt of clinical data listing |
I07 | PIN/ACK - Unsolicited insurance information |
I08 | RQA/RPA - Request for treatment authorization information |
I09 | RQA/RPA - Request for modification to an authorization |
I10 | RQA/RPA - Request for resubmission of an authorization |
I11 | RQA/RPA - Request for cancellation of an authorization |
I12 | REF/RRI - Patient referral |
I13 | REF/RRI - Modify patient referral |
I14 | REF/RRI - Cancel patient referral |
I15 | REF/RRI - Request patient referral status |
M01 | MFN/MFK - Master file not otherwise specified (for backward compatibility only) |
M02 | MFN/MFK - Master file - Staff Practioner |
M03 | MFN/MFK - Master file - Test/Observation (for backward compatibility only) |
varies | MFQ/MFR - Master files query (use event same as asking for e.g., M05 - location) |
M04 | MFN/MFK - Master files charge description |
M05 | MFN/MFK - Patient location master file |
M06 | MFN/MFK - Clinical study with phases and schedules master file |
M07 | MFN/MFK - Clinical study without phases but with schedules master file |
M08 | MFN/MFK - Test/observation (Numeric) master file |
M09 | MFN/MFK - Test/Observation (Categorical) master file |
M10 | MFN/MFK - Test /observation batteries master file |
M11 | MFN/MFK - Test/calculated observations master file |
O01 | ORM - Order message (also RDE, RDS, RGV, RAS) |
O02 | ORR - Order response (also RRE, RRD, RRG, RRA) |
P01 | BAR/ACK - Add patient accounts |
P02 | BAR/ACK - Purge patient accounts |
P03 | DFT/ACK - Post detail financial transaction |
P04 | QRY/DSP - Generate bill and A/R statements |
P05 | BAR/ACK - Update account |
P06 | BAR/ACK - End account |
P07 | PEX - Unsolicited initial individual product experience report |
P08 | PEX - Unsolicited update individual product experience report |
P09 | SUR - Summary product experience report |
PC1 | PPR - PC/ Problem Add |
PC2 | PPR - PC/ Problem Update |
PC3 | PPR - PC/ Problem Delete |
PC4 | PRQ - PC/ Problem Query |
PC5 | PRR - PC/ Problem Response |
PC6 | PGL - PC/ Goal Add |
PC7 | PGL - PC/ Goal Update |
PC8 | PGL - PC/ Goal Delete |
PC9 | PGQ - PC/ Goal Query |
PCA | PGR - PC/ Goal Response |
PCB | PPP - PC/ Pathway (Problem-Oriented) Add |
PCC | PPP - PC/ Pathway (Problem-Oriented) Update |
PCD | PPP - PC/ Pathway (Problem-Oriented) Delete |
PCE | PTQ - PC/ Pathway (Problem-Oriented) Query |
PCF | PTR - PC/ Pathway (Problem-Oriented) Query Response |
PCG | PPG - PC/ Pathway (Goal-Oriented) Add |
PCH | PPG - PC/ Pathway (Goal-Oriented) Update |
PCJ | PPG - PC/ Pathway (Goal-Oriented) Delete |
PCK | PTU - PC/ Pathway (Goal-Oriented) Query |
PCL | PTV - PC/ Pathway (Goal-Oriented) Query Response |
Q01 | QRY/DSR - Query sent for immediate response |
Q02 | QRY/QCK - Query sent for deferred response |
Q03 | DSR/ACK - Deferred response to a query |
Q05 | UDM/ACK - Unsolicited display update message |
Q06 | OSQ/OSR - Query for order status |
R01 | ORU/ACK - Unsolicited transmission of an observation message |
R02 | QRY - Query for results of observation |
R03 | QRY/DSR Display-oriented results, query/unsol. update (for backward compatibility only) |
R04 | ORF - Response to query; transmission of requested observation |
R05 | QRY/DSR-query for display results |
R06 | UDM-unsolicited update/display results |
RAR | RAR - Pharmacy administration information query response |
RDR | RDR - Pharmacy dispense information query response |
RER | RER - Pharmacy encoded order information query response |
RGR | RGR - Pharmacy dose information query response |
ROR | ROR - Pharmacy prescription order query response |
S01 | SRM/SRR - Request new appointment booking |
S02 | SRM/SRR - Request appointment rescheduling |
S03 | SRM/SRR - Request appointment modification |
S04 | SRM/SRR - Request appointment cancellation |
S05 | SRM/SRR - Request appointment discontinuation |
S06 | SRM/SRR - Request appointment deletion |
S07 | SRM/SRR - Request addition of service/resource on appointment |
S08 | SRM/SRR - Request modification of service/resource on appointment |
S09 | SRM/SRR - Request cancellation of service/resource on appointment |
S10 | SRM/SRR - Request discontinuation of service/resource on appointment |
S11 | SRM/SRR - Request deletion of service/resource on appointment |
S12 | SIU/ACK - Notification of new appointment booking |
S13 | SIU/ACK - Notification of appointment rescheduling |
S14 | SIU/ACK - Notification of appointment modification |
S15 | SIU/ACK - Notification of appointment cancellation |
S16 | SIU/ACK - Notification of appointment discontinuation |
S17 | SIU/ACK - Notification of appointment deletion |
S18 | SIU/ACK - Notification of addition of service/resource on appointment |
S19 | SIU/ACK - Notification of modification of service/resource on appointment |
S20 | SIU/ACK - Notification of cancellation of service/resource on appointment |
S21 | SIU/ACK - Notification of discontinuation of service/resource on appointment |
S22 | SIU/ACK - Notification of deletion of service/resource on appointment |
S23 | SIU/ACK - Notification of blocked schedule time slot(s) |
S24 | SIU/ACK - Notification of opened ("unblocked") schedule time slot(s) |
S25 | SQM/SQR - Schedule query message and response |
S26 | Notification that patient did not show up for schedule appointment |
T01 | MDM/ACK - Original document notification |
T02 | MDM/ACK - Original document notification and content |
T03 | MDM/ACK - Document status change notification |
T04 | MDM/ACK - Document status change notification and content |
T05 | MDM/ACK - Document addendum notification |
T06 | MDM/ACK - Document addendum notification and content |
T07 | MDM/ACK - Document edit notification |
T08 | MDM/ACK - Document edit notification and content |
T09 | MDM/ACK - Document replacement notification |
T10 | MDM/ACK - Document replacement notification and content |
T11 | MDM/ACK - Document cancel notification |
T12 | QRY/DOC - Document query |
V01 | VXQ - Query for vaccination record |
V02 | VXX - Response to vaccination query returning multiple PID matches |
V03 | VXR - Vaccination record response |
V04 | VXU - Unsolicited vaccination record update |
W01 | ORU - Waveform result, unsolicited transmission of requested information |
W02 | QRF - Waveform result, response to query |
X01 | PEX - Product experience | Message control ID (ST) 00010
Definition: This field contains a number or other identifier that uniquely identifies the message. The receiving system echoes this ID back to the sending system in the Message acknowledgment segment (MSA). Processing ID (PT) 00011
Components: <processing ID (ID)> ^<processing mode (ID)>
Definition: This field is used to decide whether to process the message as defined in HL7 Application (level 7) Processing rules, above. The first component defines whether the message is part of a production, training, or debugging system (refer to HL7 table 0103 - Processing ID for valid values). The second component defines whether the message is part of an archival process or an initial load (refer to HL7 table 0207 - Processing mode for valid values). This allows different priorities to be given to different processing modes.
Table 0103 - Processing ID
Value | Description |
D | Debugging |
P | Production |
T | Training |
Table 0207 - Processing mode
Value | Description |
A | Archive |
R | Restore from archive |
I | Initial load |
not present | Not present (the default, meaning current processing) | Version ID (ID) 00012
Definition: This field is matched by the receiving system to its own version to be sure the message will be interpreted correctly.
Value | Description | |
2.0 | Release 2.0 | September 1988 |
2.0D | Demo 2.0 | October 1988 |
2.1 | Release 2. 1 | March 1990 |
2.2 | Release 2.2 | December 1994 |
2.3 | Release 2.3 | Ballot #1 February 1996, Ballot #2 July 1996, Final Ballot | Sequence number (NM) 00013
Definition: A non-null value in this field implies that the sequence number protocol is in use. This numeric field incremented by one for each subsequent value. Continuation pointer (ST) 00014
Definition: This field is used to define continuations in application-specific ways. Accept acknowledgment type (ID) 00015
Definition: This field identifies the conditions under which accept acknowledgements are required to be returned in response to this message. Required for enhanced acknowledgment mode. Refer to HL7 table 0155 - Accept/application acknowledgment conditions for valid values. Application acknowledgment type (ID) 00016
Definition: This field contains the conditions under which application acknowledgements are required to be returned in response to this message. Required for enhanced acknowledgment mode.
The following table contains the possible values for MSH-15-accept acknowledgment type and MSH-16-application acknowledgment type:
Table 0155 - Accept/application acknowledgment conditions
Value | Description |
AL | Always |
NE | Never |
ER | Error/reject conditions only |
SU | Successful completion only |
Note: If MSH-15-accept acknowledgment type and MSH-16-applictation acknowledgment type are omitted (or are both null), the original acknowledgment mode rules are used. | Country code (ID) 00017
Definition: This field contains the country of origin for the message. It will be used primarily to specify default elements, such as currency denominations. ISO 3166 provides a list of country codes that may be used [ Available from ISO 1 Rue de Varembe, Case Postale 56, CH 1211, Geneve, Switzerland] . Character set (ID) 00692
Definition: This field contains the character set for the entire message. Refer to HL7 table 0211 - Alternate character sets for valid values.
Table 0211 - Alternate character sets
Value | Description |
ASCII | The printable 7-bit ASCII character set . (This is the default if this field is omitted) |
8859/1 | The printable characters from the ISO 8859/1 Character set |
8859/2 | The printable characters from the ISO 8859/2 Character set |
8859/3 | The printable characters from the ISO 8859/3 Character set |
8859/4 | The printable characters from the ISO 8859/4 Character set |
8859/5 | The printable characters from the ISO 8859/5 Character set |
8859/6 | The printable characters from the ISO 8859/6 Character set |
8859/7 | The printable characters from the ISO 8859/7 Character set |
8859/8 | The printable characters from the ISO 8859/8 Character set |
8859/9 | The printable characters from the ISO 8859/9 Character set |
JAS2020 | A subset of ISO2020 used for most Kanjii transmissions |
JIS X 0202 | ISO 2022 with escape sequences for Kanjii |
JIS X 0201-1976 | Code for Information Exchange |
JIS X 0208-1990 | Code for the Japanese Graphic Character set for information interchange |
JIS X 0212-1990 | Code of the supplementary Japanese Graphic Character set for information interchange |
Note: The field separator character must still be chosen from the printable 7-bit ASCII character set. |
The repetitions of this field to specify different character sets apply only to fields of the PN and XPN data types.
The field MSH-18-character set is an optional, repeating field of data type ID, using IDs outlined in HL7 table 0211 - Alternate character sets (or equivalents from ISO 2375).
• if the field is not valued, the default single-byte character set (ASCII (ISO IR-6)) should be assumed. No other character sets are allowed in the message.
• if the field repeats, but the first element is NULL (i.e., present but unvalued), the single-byte ASCII (ISO IR-6) is assumed as the default character set.
• if the sequence is present and the first element is specified, this character set is regarded as the default character set for the message. This must be a single-byte character set (i.e., ISO-IR 6, ISO-IR 13, ISO-IR 14, ISO-IR 100, etc.)
• elements in the remainder of the sequence (i.e., elements 2..n) are alternate character sets that may be used. These may include multi-byte character sets (i.e., JIS X 0208)
• the default character set should always be a single-byte character set. It should always have ISO-IR 6 (ISO 646) or ISO-IR 14 (JIS X 0201-1976) in the G0 area. Principal language of message (CE) 00693
Components: <identifier (ID)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (ST)> ^ <alternate identifier (ID)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (ST)>
Definition: This field contains the principal language of the message. Codes come from ISO 639.
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